Contolled substances
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Controlled substances
- Law on control of manufacture and trade of substances that can be used in the manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances (“Official gazette of Montenegro”, no. 83/09)
- Rulebook on the list of substances that can be used in manufacturing of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 58/10) – document in Montenegrin
- Rulebook on the content of the application for obtaining authorization for manufacture of precursors and the content of manufacture authorization and form (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No 6/2015)
- Rulebook on the form and content of statement of end user on the purpose of precursors and form (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No 4/2015)
- Rulebook on the form, content and mode of delivery of notification on export of precursors and form (“Official gazette of Montenegro”, no. 4/2015)
- Rulebook on the content of the request for issuance of the authorisation fot import, export, transit and transport od precursors and form (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No 04/15) – document in Montenegrin
- Rulebook on the content of the request for obtaining authorization for trade of precursors and the content of trade authorization (“Official gazette of Montenegro”, No. 4/2015)
- Rulebook on the content of request for obtaining approval for the use of precursors and the content of approval for the use of precursors (“Official gazette of Montenegro”, no. 4/2015)
- Rulebook on the form and content of report on actual quantities of imported or exported precursors and form (“Official gazette of Montenegro”, no. 12/2015)
- Rulebook on more detailed information and content of annual reports on manufacture and trade of precursors and form (“Official Gazette of montenegro”, no. 16/2015)
- Rulebook on the contents and manner of keeping records of legal entities engaged in manufacture and/or trade of precursor and the register of legal entities performing manufacture, trade, import, export, transit and transport of precursors, as well as the special register of issued authorizations (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 032/15)
- Law about preventing drugs abuse (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No. 28/2011)
- Rulebook on the content and form of separate authorisation for import, export and transit of drugs (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 44/12) – document in Montenegrin
- Rulebook on more detailed record keeping on quantity of drugs that is manufactured, imported, possessed, or that is to be destroyed by legal entities and on report submission (“Official Gazette of Montenegro, No 043/17 from 4 July 2017) – document in Montenegrin
- Rulebook on the content of the application and documentation required to obtain authorisation for use od drugs and on the form and content of the authorisation (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No 043/17 from 4 July 2017) – document in Montenegrin
- Rulebook determining the list of drugs, psychotropic substances and plants that can be used for manufacturing of drugs (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 41/18, 57/18, 123/21 i 90/23) – document in Montenegrin
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