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In case of any error, omission, or discrepancy in the following:
- Decisions,
- Expert opinion,
- Certificate, or
- Other administrative acts of the Institute,
it is necessary to file a complaint in order to correct the non-compliance, i.e. error in question.
What is a complaint?
Complaint is a procedure of client’s addressing regarding the correction of non-compliances or errors in a document issued by the Institute in terms of technical accuracy of a document in question (spelling errors, errors in numbering, typing errors, etc.).
Complaints are filed for mentioned non-compliances or errors only, while proposing changes that imply amending already approved regulatory decisions of the Institute is done via appropriate administrative procedures.
How to file a complaint?
Complaints are filed in a written, or electronic form to the Registry Office of the Institute, or in electronic form to an e-mail [email protected]. (filing by fax, telephone, or verbally is not provided).
When filing a complaint, it is necessary to submit the following:
- Completed complaint form,
- Copy of a document which the complaint refers to.
Acting upon a complaint
If the complaint is well-grounded, it is resolved within 10 working days from the day of receipt, after which in accordance with the Law on administrative procedure, the Institute issues a Decision on the correction of the act/document that was the subject of the complaint, in which all parts of the act/document that were corrected are listed. The act/document that is the subject of the complaint remains with the complainant and is valid along with delivered decision on correction.
Handling complaints as well as nonconformities in the operational processes is defined in the following SOP
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