It is our great pleasure to announce that the Laboratory of the Institute for medicines and medical devices of Montenegro has been awarded an accreditation certificate to MEST ISO/IEC 17025:2018 – General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories, by the Accreditation body of Montenegro.
Main goal of our Laboratory is protection of Montenegrin market and citizens from the occurrence of falsified and substandard medicines, as well as the improvement of scientific-research activity of the Institute, which is a teaching base of the University of Montenegro.
The Institute continuously works on the improvement of business operation quality and application of international and European standards. Since the Laboratory became an organisational unit in 2021, the Institution has been giving a great deal of attention to the establishment of working system in line with standards requirements related to the quality system of testing laboratories.
Laboratory methods conducted with the aim to detect falsified and substandard medicines, and which are included into the accreditation scope are listed as follows: 1. Determining the mass uniformity of a single-dose preparations; 2. Comparison of diffractograms of recorded samples with diffractograms from the reference database; 3. Identification of crystalline phases in samples of solid forms of medicines and dietary supplements by means of X-ray diffraction.
We believe that with the consistent application of adopted standards and continuous improvement of the competences of our experts we will significantly contribute to the protection of citizens of Montenegro from falsified and substandard medicines and dietary supplements.