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- Law on medicines (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No. 80/20) – unofficial translation; Note: applied to all procedures initiated up to 11 August 2017
- Veterinary Law (“Officila Gazette of Montenegro”, No 30/12, 48/15, 57/15, 52/16 and 43/18) – document in Montenegrin
- Law on administrative procedure (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 056/14, 020/15, 040/16 and 037/17) – document in Montenegrin; Note: this act is applied to all procedures initiated upon 1 July 2017
Previously applicable legislation
- Law on medicines („Official Gazette of Montenegro“, No. 56/2011) Note: applied to all procedures initiated up to 12 August 2020
- Law on general administrative procedure (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No 60/03, No 73/10 and No 32/11) – document in Montenegrin; Note: this act is applied to all procedures initiated up to 1 July 2017
Human medicines
- Rulebook on more detailed conditions for issuance of marketing authorisation for a medicine („Official Gazette of Montenegro“ No 30/2009)
- Rulebook on detailed content of pharmaceutical testing of medicines („Official Gazette of Montenegro“ No 38/09)
- Rulebook on content and manner of conducting pharmaceutical testing of medicines with the Aim of Quality Control („Official Gazette of Montenegro“ No 4/10)
- Rulebook on detailed content of pharmacological-toxicological study of medicines („Official Gazette of Montenegro“ No 68/09)
- Rulebook on manner and conditions of advertising of medicines („Official Gazette of Montenegro“ No. 2/14)
- Rulebook on more detailed conditions and manner of entering a medicine into the Register of Traditional Herbal Medicines („Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 04/15)
- Rulebook on more detailed conditions and manner of entering a medicine into the Register of Homeopathic Medicines („Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 06/15)
- Rulebook on the form and content of a prescription, criteria for classification of medicines, as well as the manner of prescribing and dispensing medicines („Official Gazette of Montenegro“ No. 34/15, 36/16 and 59/17)
- Rulebook on more detailed conditions for issuance of marketing authorisation for a medicinal product (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 21/16 and 55/19)
- Rulebook on the contents and method of labelling the outer and immediate packaging of a medicine and contents of the package leaflet (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 21/16 and 67/18)
- Rulebook on more detailed conditions for the issuance of import authorization for a medicine that does not have marketing authorisation (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 19/24 and 34/24)
Veterinary medicines
- Rulebook on the contents and manner of labelling packaging of a veterinary medicine (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 82/23)
- Rulebook on more detailed conditions and manner of determining fulfillment of conditions for performing wholesale of veterinary medicinal products (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No 44/16)
- Rulebook maximum residue levels of pharmacologically active substances of medicines for veterinary use in products of animal origin (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No 74/24) – document in Montenegrin
- Rulebook on the form, content, manner and period of reporting on sale of medicines („Official Gazette of Montenegro“ No 2/13)
- Rulebook on more detailed conditions for issuance of marketing authorisation for a medicinal product (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 21/16 and 55/19)
- Rulebook on more detailed conditions for the issuance of import authorization for a medicine that does not have marketing authorisation (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 19/24 and 34/24)
- Order to prohibit treating animals with certain substances and veterinary medicines – document in Montenegrin (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 17/24)
European Union legislation
- Consolidated text: Commission Regulation (EU) No 37/2010 on pharmacologically active substances and their classification regarding maximum residue limits in foodstuffs of animal origin, last amended with Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2024/860 of 18 March 2024 (updated on 06.08.2024.)
- Consolidated text: Commission Regulation (EC) No 1950/2006 on a list of substances essential for the treatment of equidae and of substances bringing added clinical benefit (published on 13.04.2022.)
- Consolidated text: Regulation (EU) 2019/6 of the European Parliament and of the Council on veterinary medicinal products and repealing Directive 2001/82/EC (published on 13.04.2022.)
Note: These Regulations are published in the Montenegrin language
Manufacture and wholesale of medicines
- Rulebook on more detailed conditions and manner of determining fulfillment of conditions for manufacture of medicines (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 72/15)
- Rulebook on detailed conditions and manner of determining the fulfillment of conditions for performing wholesale of medicines for human use (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 45/21)
- Rulebook on the manner of collecting of data and reporting and monitoring adverse reactions to medicines for use in human medicine („Official Gazette of Montenegro” No 46/14)
Clinical Trials
- Rulebook on more detailed conditions and documentation required for approval and conduct of clinical trials of medicines for human use („Official Gazette of Montenegro“ No. 2/14)
Maximum prices of medicines
- Decree on the criteria of setting maximum prices of medicines (“Official Gazette of Montenegro” br.130/21 i and 09/22 abnd 20/24)
Consumption of medicines
- Rulebook on the form, content, manner and period of reporting on sale of medicines („Official Gazette of Montenegro“ No 2/13)
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